You know those movies where there’s this guy and girl who are best friends and have always dated other people and one day they realize that they have always had feelings for each other so they give it a try and it ends in the most magical love story. That’s exactly how mine and Rubens’ love story unfolds, minus a few quirks that I can’t wait to share with all of you.
I first met Ruben in middle school, it was 2008 and we were in Mr. Canales’ Biology class. It was one of those classrooms where it had the big bulky black desks that were made for 2 people, but our class was a small class so 2 of the tables only had 1 person. It happened to be my desk and Rubens desk. I sat in the front row and Ruben sat behind me, one day during a lecture I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turn around and I see this boy with super wavy hair, tiny glasses, and wearing a red polo school shirt with blue jeans. Well that boy asked me for a sheet of paper, so I tore exactly 1 sheet of paper from my notebook and gave it to him. I turned back around and that was the last time we talked that day. After that I don’t exactly know how it happened, but we became close friends. I remember all that year which was 7thgrade and throughout 8th and 9th grade we talked on the phone almost every day. He had girlfriends throughout that time as I had boyfriends, and we remained nothing more than friends.
It was the summer after 9th grade, we started hanging out a lot more. There was a lot more flirting, more talking, more doing stuff together. At this point though I had this feeling that he wasn’t as interested in me as I was him. Just as things were about to fizzle out between Ruben and I, I received a phone call one night from his best friend, he was asking me if I was interested in Ruben. You know that old trick, have your best friend call and get the deets for you. The phone call basically went like this;

Friend: How do you feel about Ruben?
Me: I really do like him, a lot.
Friend: He really likes you too.
Me: Are you sure? I just feel like he’s not really into me.
Friend: He is, he really does like you he’s just nervous and doesn’t know how to act.
After that conversation and him reporting back I’m sure, lol. Ruben asked me to be his girlfriend. We were together for just over a year. There was so much love and passion, and yes, we lost our virginity to each other, using protection of course. It was truly a great year. But, all good things must come to an end. We ended up breaking up, basically due to growing apart. We were 15/16, young, naïve, and you never end up with your girlfriend from 15 years old, not right away anyways (; .
Throughout the next 3 years of our lives we both had serious relationships, but always would find our way back to each other. Many many many times when 1 or both of us would be single we always found our way back. We never forgot about one another. Each time we would end up back in each others lives it was the absolute best time, we had so much fun, a lot of laughs and emotions, and so much love for each other no matter what. Alas, each time it just wasn’t meant to be, not because of any fighting or cheating, it just never seemed to be the right time. We were always at 2 separate paths of our lives and those 2 paths never went together.
To be continued...