It’s that time of year again…Spring Break.
I want to share with you all some of my favorite swimsuit brands, what I love about them, and also some of my favorite tips for taking care of your skin while out in the sun.
There’s nothing I love more than having my beach chair, some music playing, that crisp breeze rushing over me, and a beautiful ocean view. For me the two things that are priority for every beach trip are;

1. The right bikini
2. Skincare products
I not only wanna look amazing in my swimsuit but I also want to FEEL amazing and confident wearing it. Lets be honest, I’m no size 2, I got my love handles and some thicc thighs and ass so whatever swimsuit I’m wearing I want to be comfortable in it and look amazing in it. I have 3 swimsuit brands that I am obsessed with!
1. Triangl Bikini – This one would be the most expensive out of the 3.
2. NanaMacs- This one sells out fast, and the pricing is somewhat expensive while still on the lower side of pricing.
3. Shein- This one is going to be absolutely on the more affordable price range.
As for Triangle bikini their suits can range anywhere from $80 and upwards. What I love about them is they are super comfortable, and they fit to your body almost like cling wrap as to assure your suit won’t go riding up and sliding around and WHOOPS there’s some bits and pieces you don’t wanna be showing!
Then we have NanaMacs, their suits are very comfortable! What I like most about them is they are unique. The suits that I have bought from there I haven’t seen suits like those on any other website. NanaMacs’ suits can range anywhere from $30 to $50. The only thing about NanaMacs is that their clothing/swimwear sells out very fast. So if you see something you like you JUMP baby!
Lastly, we have Shein, as all the others Shein has very comfortable suits as well. Their prices are definitely more affordable. I love the selection that they have to offer. The only little tidbit about Shein is you must 100% always look at the reviews to show how the suit actually looks on a person. It can be ify sometimes but if there is someone in the reviews with pictures of it on that is usually how it will look when you receive it. Other than that I love it. The prices range from $5 to $30.
Now, for my second beach priority, Skincare! No matter if I am going to the beach for 5 minutes to 2 hours, I always make sure to put on sunscreen. It is soo important that we protect are skin from those UV rays. Depending if I am wearing makeup or not, my foundation has a spf in it, so I will make sure to moisturize my face super good before applying the rest of my makeup as to make sure my skin is staying hydrated as well as protected. My 2 go to sunscreens are the Australian Gold Botanical Mineral Lotion SPF 50, and Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch Sunscreen SPF 100. It just depends how sunny and hot it is that day, but I live by these.
I hope you all have a fun, amazing , and SAFE spring break!